Why choose us?

We love to make stuff here, and we put our hearts and souls into these projects. There isn't many of us, but we are hard workers. We want to let you find your forever friend for the hard times and the good times. They may not be there when the things happen but the can listen to you when it's needed or wanted! The jewelry we make takes time just like the crocheted items. But that also means we took our time, and didn't slap it together. Sure you can't tell your loved ones you love them with a touch of a button, but we try our bests. Give them a necklace, earring, or rings, tell them you love them. They need it.

About Us

Dani Butler-Tigner

Store Owner

We have made things for fun, but as we got older we realized we can sell what we made. So that's what we are doing now. We hope you like what we make, and have a wonderful day or night.